Install the Y axis E-chain
The Y axis E-chain kit is a cable management system for the Y and Z axis cords and cables. The E-chain itself will be
located loose in the crate, while the other parts and mounting hardware will be located in a labeled plastic bag.
Please note: Tables 96” and longer also include an X axis E-chain kit as standard equipment
. The components
are not interchangeable. Typically, the Y axis e-chain will be the shorter than the X, so compare the two lengths if
you are unsure which chain to use.
Begin by mounting the lower E-chain bracket
onto the top of the gantry. Use two of the
twist-in T-nuts included with the E-chain
mounting kit. Simply drop them into the
Assemble Your Shopbot PRS Gantry Tool 2015 02 27.Docx
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