$PSMDWI – Wireless control
This sentence controls the wireless module on the multiplexer (WiFi or Bluetooth). This sentence always
results in a response sentence from the multiplexer. This response reflects the response of the wireless
module or the result of the operation.
Format: $PSMDWI,x,a,b..*hh<CR><LF
Sub-command. See below
Optional parameters required by a subcommand
Response: $PSMDWI,message
The following sub-commands are defined:
0..6: Set the baud rate of communication port of the multiplexer that is connected to the wireless
module. A single digit in the range of ‘0’ to ‘6’ sets the speed according to the table below:
0: 4800 Bd
1: 9600 Bd
2: 19200 Bd
3: 38400 Bd
4: 57600 Bd
5: 115200 Bd
6: 230400 Bd
This command is used to be able to talk to an un-initialized module at its default speeds of 9600 Bd
(value ‘1’) or when a firmware update requires a new speed setting.
This speed setting is temporary: after a power cycle the speed is reset to its normal operational
value, determined by the firmware of the multiplexer.
Configure the WiFi module with the multiplexer default access point settings:
IP address:
Network mask:
TCP port:
xx:yy are the last two bytes of the MAC address of the WiFi module.
Configure the Bluetooth module with the multiplexer default settings
Set the wireless module to Command Mode. This enables sending of commands directly to the
wireless module using the $PSMDWI sentence. See section
Command Mode
for more details.
Sending $PSMDWI without any parameters exits Command Mode.
When command mode is enabled, all NMEA data from In1..4 is blocked.
Erase the trusted (paired) devices list in the Bluetooth module.
Return the MAC address of the wireless module.
Set the network parameters of the WiFi connection:
IP address, 0 for automatic assignment by a DHCP server
mask: network mask
optional gateway address
$PSMDWI,N,0 sets the multiplexer to DCHP in order to obtain all settings automatically.
The gateway address is only needed to obtain firmware updates of the WiFi module. When the ip
field contains a ‘0’, the IP settings will be obtained from a DHCP server and all other fields will be
ignored. Fields may be omitted for parameters that need no change. For instance:
$PSMDWI,N,,, only sets the gateway address.
Set the multiplexer to Terminal Mode. This opens a direct communication channel from the wired
host interface to the wireless module. A terminal program can then be used to communicate
directly with the wireless module. The multiplexer can be set to normal (NMEA) mode by a power
cycle or by typing a ctrl-q character. See section
Terminal Mode
for more details
In Terminal Mode, the multiplexer does not respond to any proprietary NMEA commands, nor will it
operate as a multiplexer.