$PSMDSP – Set Speed
This sentence sets the baudrate of the NMEA inputs and outputs.
Format: $PSMDSP,a,b,c,d,e,f,g[*hh]<CR><LF>
The following fields are defined for setting the various inputs and outputs:
a: Sentence Status flag:
R = sentence is a status report of current settings
C = sentence is a command to change settings
b: NMEA In 1
c: NMEA In 2
d: NMEA In 3
e: NMEA In 4/Out 1
f: NMEA Out 2
g: RS-232 host port (ignored on multiplexers without RS-232 host port)
Valid field values are:
0 = 4800 Baud
1 = 9600 Baud
2 = 19200 Baud
3 = 38400 Baud
4 = 57600 Baud
5 = 115200 Baud (field e and f only)
Field ‘e’ is ignored when SeaTalk translation is enabled with the CF sentence.
$PSMDUI – Set Unique Identifier
Sets the Unique Identifier (UI) of the multiplexer. This UI is sent as source parameter in TAG blocks sent
by the multiplexer.
Format: $PSMDUI,a,s*hh<CR><LF>
Sentence Status flag:
R = sentence is a status report of current settings
C = sentence is a command to change settings
Unique Identifier, 15 characters maximum. If this field exceeds the maximum character count, is
not present or empty, the UI is reset to “MXnn” where “nn” are the last two digits of the serial
number of the multiplexer.
$PSMDVER – Get Version
This sentence retrieves version information from the multiplexer.
Format: $PSMDVER
The multiplexer responds with the following version sentence:
firmware version number
MiniPlex-2S: multiplexer name
serial number
Multiplexer capabilities. This is a 4 digit, 16-bit field represented as a hexadecimal number.
Each bit identifies a capability of the multiplexer. The following bits are defined:
Host interface type, 0 = serial, 1 = USB, 2 = Ethernet, 3 = USB & WiFi
Bluetooth module installed
Firmware update supported
generation multiplexer