Priority Timeout (in seconds):
0 = 1
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 5
4 = 10
5 = 30
The ‘s’ field will always return a 0 or 1 in response to a CF query sentence.
$PSMDDR – Set Default Route
This sentence specifies the default route from the NMEA inputs to the NMEA outputs and from the host
interface to the NMEA outputs. Any route set by the FL sentence overrides the standard route.
Format: $PSMDDR,a,xxxxx,b,yyyyy,c*hh<CR><LF>
Sentence Status flag:
R = sentence is a status report of current settings
C = sentence is a command to change settings
xxxxx: Input field for NMEA Out1. Each ‘x’ represents an input, numbered from 1 to 5 from left to right.
Input 5 is not a real input but the source of NMEA sentences generated from conversions. When
‘1’, the input is routed to output 1. When ‘0’, the input is not routed to output 1.
Host data to NMEA Out1:
0: Host data is not routed
1: Host data is routed
2: Host data is routed and overrides data from the inputs. A time out mechanism will route data
from the inputs when no data from the host is received.
yyyyy: Input field for NMEA Out2. Each ‘y’ represents an input, numbered from 1 to 4 from left to right.
Input 5 is not a real input but the source of NMEA sentences generated from conversions. When
‘1’, the input is routed to output 2. When ‘0’, the input is not routed to output 2.
Host data to NMEA Out2:
0: Host data is not routed
1: Host data is routed
2: Host data is routed and overrides data from the inputs. A time out mechanism
will route data from the inputs when no data from the host is received.
$PSMDFL – Set Filter Rules
This sentence specifies a filter and routing rule that is applied on every incoming NMEA sentence. Filter
rules are specified using the address field of an NMEA sentence. For each filter rule, the inputs on which
the sentence may be received must be specified. Optionally, a divisor and an output routing field can be
Sentences for which no rule exists are passed or blocked, depending on the filter mode set by field ‘f’ of
the CF sentence.
Format: $PSMDFL,a,ccccc,xxxxxx,dd,yyyy*hh<CR><LF>
Sentence Status flag:
R = sentence is a status report of current settings
C = sentence is a command to change settings
Address field of the filter rule (e.g. ‘GPRMC’, ‘IIMWV’, etc). This field may contain wildcard
characters (‘-’). For instance, ‘GP---’ will apply to all sentences starting with ‘GP’. Similarly, ‘—
MWV’ will apply to all sentences ending on ‘MWV’ regardless of the Talker ID. One filter rule with
all wildcards and all inputs blocked is allowed to let the multiplexer block all sentences for which
no rule exists. When an all-wildcard rule is entered, the multiplexer will not accept subsequent
filter rules.
Example: $PSMDFL,-----,00000<CR><LF>
xxxxxx: Input field. Each ‘x’ represents an input to assign to this rule, numbered from 0 to 5 from left to
right. Input 0 is the host interface and inputs 1 to 4 represent NMEA inputs 1 to 4. Input 5 is not
a real input but the source of NMEA sentences generated from conversions. A ‘1’ means that the
sentence must be forwarded while a ‘0’ means that the sentence must be blocked from that