Firmware Update
From time to time, we will develop new features for the multiplexer or fix bugs in the existing firmware.
New firmware image files will then be made available through our website. These image files can be
downloaded to your computer and loaded into the multiplexer with the option “Update MiniPlex
Firmware…” from the File menu.
The MiniPlex needs to be connected to your computer using a wired host port such as RS-232, USB or
Updating via a wireless connection (WiFi or Bluetooth) is not possible
If you are using an RS-232 connection, you must set the communication speed to 38400 Baud.
Choose “Update MiniPlex Firmware…” from the File menu.
A file dialog opens which allows you to select the previously downloaded image file ending at an “.mpx”
extension. When you have selected the file and clicked on OK, the update process is started. The image
file’s integrity and version is checked first before initiating the download procedure in the multiplexer.
When the download is started, the red LED on the multiplexer will be lit continuously while the green LED
blinks on reception of data from the computer. MPX-Config will show a progress indicator during the
update process. When the update is complete and successful, a message will show “The firmware update
was successful”.
Any errors that occur during the process will be shown. It is important to make a note of the error
message when asking for support. See “Firmware Update Error messages“ for an explanation of the error
Sometimes the communication during the firmware update times out and the update is aborted with an
error message. This time out is caused by delays in the communication drivers that are part of Windows.
These time outs happen frequently when software is running which communicates with other serial
When such a time out occurs, the MiniPlex has no firmware loaded and the internal loader keeps sending
$PSMDLDR… sentences, indicating that it waits for a firmware upload. Just try updating again until the
process is successful. Sometimes it helps to try the update on a different computer.
WiFi Firmware Update
The MiniPlex-2Wi has a WiFi interface module, which contains its own firmware. This firmware is created
by the manufacturer of the WiFi module and from time to time a new version with new features or bug
fixes is released. These updates are available on the download page of our web site.
Sometimes new WiFi firmware also requires new MiniPlex firmware. If this is the case, it will be clearly
mentioned in a ReadMe.pdf file that comes with the WiFi firmware package. It is important to update the
MiniPlex firmware first, before updating the WiFi firmware.
The MiniPlex firmware version number is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the MPX-Config
window. The WiFi firmware version number can be obtained by entering the following command in
“Manual NMEA Sentence Input”:
The following response will be visible in the NMEA viewer:
where x.xx represents the WiFi firmware version number.
If navigation data is visible in the NMEA viewer, its best to either shut down the all sources of NMEA data
into the MiniPlex or to temporary set the speed of the NMEA inputs of the MiniPlex to non-standard
values. This will effectively mute the inputs and ensures that all messages during the firmware update
are visible.