The menu contains two sub-menus: File and Tools. Some options of these menus are disabled or not
visible, depending on the type of connected multiplexer or on the status of the connection.
The File menu offers the following choices:
Start writing NMEA data to a log file. A log file is a plain text file and can
later be opened by any text editor to examine the data. The Log counter on
the status bar will show the number of NMEA sentences that are currently
written to the log file.
Log Diagnostic Info…
Start writing to a log file with the addition of a time stamp at the beginning
of each NMEA sentence.
Stop Log
Stop writing NMEA data to the current log file and close that file.
Load Configuration…
Load a previously saved configuration file into the multiplexer. The current
configuration will be overwritten. A configuration file stores all settings
made with MPX-Config.
Save Configuration
Save the current configuration to a previously file.
Save Configuration As…
Save the current configuration to a new file.
Update MiniPlex Firmware… Load new a firmware file into the multiplexer. This option will only be visible
when your multiplexer supports firmware updates. This is the case from
firmware version 3.00 and up. Multiplexers containing lower firmware
versions need to be returned to our factory for an update.
Update WiFi Firmware…
Load a new firmware file into the WiFi module.
This exits MPX-Config.
The Tools menu offers the following choices:
Show Statistics
Opens a window showing bars that indicate how much NMEA data is stored
in the input queues. This is a useful option for diagnosing data congestion
and overflow situations as mentioned in paragraph “Data Throughput”. A
queue that is filled constantly can lead to unacceptable delays in data
Opens a sub-menu for the MiniPlex-2E.
Reset Factory Settings…
Reset the multiplexer to its default factory configuration.
Show a window with version information.
The MiniPlex-2E sub-menu offers the following choices:
Network Setup…
Open a window to setup the network parameters of a MiniPlex-2E.
Search the network for MiniPlex-2E’s. A window is shown with the search
Assign IP…
Assign an IP address to a MiniPlex-2E using its MAC address.