Update the firmware in the WiFi module:
File to load from the FTP server (optional)
IP address of the FTP server (optional)
The default file name is ‘wifly-ap.img’ and the default IP address is, which is the FTP
server of CustomWare.
When none of the optional fields is specified, the multiplexer must be configured to connect to an
existing access point with a connection to the Internet to be able to download a firmware image.
This can be accomplished with the W and the N sub-commands.
The file and ftp fields are used by MPX-Config to be able to download a selected file from the FTP
server built-in in MPX-Config.
Return the version number of the WiFi firmware. A $PSMDWI,x.xx sentence is returned.
Set the WLAN parameters of the WiFi connection:
A = Access Point, I = Infrastructure
SSID of the WiFi connection
phrase: Optional pass phrase (only for Infrastructure mode)
When Access Point mode is set, the radio channel is set to 1 and the IP address/netmask are set to They may be changed with the ‘N’ sub-command.
When Infrastructure mode is set, the radio channel is selected automatically and DHCP is enabled.
The previously stored IP address/netmask are retained in case the multiplexer does not receive
these from a DHCP server or access point.
Configure the WiFi module for production testing
If any of the above commands fails, the wireless module may still be in Command Mode, indicated by a
$PSMDWC response instead of $PSMDWI. To switch the multiplexer back to normal, a $PSMDWI sentence
must be issued without any parameters.
Command Mode
The sub commands listed above are used to change the most common settings of the wireless module by
means of an NMEA sentence. The PSMDWI,A sentence for instance, sets over 25 parameters in the WiFi
module automatically. In some cases, it is necessary to fine tune individual settings of the wireless
module. Command Mode allows sending special commands to the module using an NMEA sentence. For
instance, if you would need to change the MTU value of the WiFi connection, you can use the following
sentences to do this:
(enter command mode)
$PSMDWI,set ip mtu 600
(set the MTU value to 600)
(exit command mode)
The second sentence sends the command ‘set ip mtu 600’ to the WiFi module.
The general format of a direct command sentence is:
$PSMDWI,command,[response],[time out][*hh]<CR><LF
command to be sent to the wireless module.
optional expected respone.
[time out]:
optional time out value of 1..9 seconds. Standard time out is 1 second.
If an optional expected response is specified, the multiplexer returns either of two sentences:
(the module returned the expected response)
$PSMDWC,No Response
(the expected response was not received)
If no expected response is specified, the multiplexer returns
is the response from the module.
The module-specific commands are not listed here because they fall outside the scope of this