xxxxxxxx: all options at once as a 32 bit hexadecimal number. Each bit represents an option where bit 0
is option 0, bit 1 is option 1 etc.
Example: $PSMDOP,C,6,1<CR><LF>
(enables option 6)
$PSMDOP,C,00000021<CR><LF> (enables options 5 and 0)
The following options are defined:
0: Enable Priority
1: Enable highest priority for SeaTalk data. Only effective when Priority and SeaTalk translation are
2: Test GPS status field for priority check. When enabled, the status field of a GPS related sentence is
checked. When the data is invalid, the sentence is discarded to allow the Priority mechanism to pass
GPS data from a lower priority input.
3: Enable SeaTalk to NMEA translation. This will also be reflected in the $PSMDIN response: input 5 will
report SeaTalk mode.
4: Convert SeaTalk datagrams into $PSMDST,xx,xx,… sentences. Datagrams are only converted if they
are not translated into NMEA. When option 3 is enabled, only unknown datagrams are converted,
otherwise all datagrams are converted. . This will also be reflected in the $PSMDIN response: input 5
will report SeaTalk mode.
5: Generate VWR sentence from SeaTalk wind data. The default is to generate an MWV sentence.
6: Heading translation. Generate a true heading sentence (HDT) from a magnetic heading (HDM or
HDG). The heading is corrected for magnetic variation if this field is available in the HDG or HDM
7: Velocity translation. Generate a log sentence (VHW) from a GPS speed sentence (VTG).
8: Reserved for future use.
9: Filter Block. Block sentences that are not in the Filter & Routing list. The default is to pass sentences
that are not in the list.
10: Reverse heading. When enabled, a new HDT sentence is generated from an incoming HDT sentence
with the heading reversed by 180 degrees. Use the Sentence Filter to route the original and new HDT
sentences to different outputs.
11: Output channel information with STN sentences. When enabled, the multiplexer transmits an STN
sentence before each individual sentence to indicate on which input this sentence was received.
12: Output channel information with TAG Blocks. . When enabled, the multiplexer transmits a TAG Block
before each individual sentence to indicate on which input this sentence was received.
When a PSMDOP sentence without any parameters is sent, the multiplexer returns an OP sentence with a
32 bit hexadecimal number. Each bit represents an option where bit 0 is option 0, bit 1 is option 1 etc.
Response: $PSMDOP,R,xxxxxxxx*hh<CR><LF>
$PSMDOV – Overflow
In case of a queue overflow (blinking red LED on the multiplexer), an overflow sentence is output on the
host interface, to indicate on which input queue the overflow occurred:
Format: $PSMDOV,x*hh<CR><LF>
Binary field. The first four bits indicate on which input queue the overflow occurred.
$PSMDRESET – Reset the multiplexer
This sentence resets the multiplexer and starts the bootloader. When a ‘1’ is given as parameter, the
factory settings of the multiplexer are restored.
Format: $PSMDRESET,x*hh<CR><LF>
Optional parameter to indicate an action while resetting
1: restore the multiplexer to its factory settings
After a reset, the multiplexer outputs a LDR sentence and a VER sentence on the host interface.