Optional divisor factor (0..99). The rate or frequency of a sentence is divided by this number to
reduce the number of sentences over time. If for instance a divisor of 6 is specified, only every
occurrence of this sentence is passed.
Optional routing field. Each ‘y’ represents an output the NMEA sentence must be routed to. A ‘1’
routes the sentence to an output, a ‘0’ does not. Each digit represents one output. From left to
right, the outputs are NMEA Out1, NMEA Out2, Host and Wireless interface.
When this field is omitted, a default of ‘1111’ is assumed, routing the specified sentence to all
Optional checksum
An FL sentence with the word DELETE in the ‘ccccc’ field erases all rules. An FL sentence with only a
‘ccccc’ field will erase that entry. The filter accepts duplicate entries with the same ‘ccccc’ field to allow
separate routes from inputs to outputs.
Example: $PSMDFL,C,HEHDT,000110,5,1010<CR><LF>
This sentence specifies a rule for all sentences that have ‘HEHDT’ in the address field. It only passes
HEHDT sentences from inputs 3 and 4, the rate is lowered by a factor of 5 and the sentence is routed to
NMEA Out1 and the host only.
When the filter list is requested, the multiplexer responds by sending FL sentences, one for each list
entry. An empty FL sentence marks the end of the list.
Example response:
The sentences may not be dumped as one contiguous block. In case of much NMEA data, they may be
interspersed with other NMEA sentences.
$PSMDID – Set Talker ID
This sentence sets a Talker ID translation for a specific input. If a Talker ID is specified, the original
Talker ID of the sentences received on that input is replaced by the specified one, before sending the
sentence to the host.
Format: $PSMDID,a,aa,bb,cc,dd,ee*hh<CR><LF>
Sentence Status flag:
R = sentence is a status report of current settings
C = sentence is a command to change settings
aa: Talker ID for channel 1
bb: Talker ID for channel 2
cc: Talker ID for channel 3
dd: Talker ID for channel 4
ee: Talker ID for internally generated sentences
hh: optional checksum
An empty field clears the ID and disables the translation for that specific channel.
$PSMDIN – Input options
Set the operating mode of an NMEA input.
Format: $PSMDIN,a,x,x,x,x
Sentence Status flag:
R = sentence is a status report of current settings
C = sentence is a command to change settings
Operating mode field for input 1 to 4:
0: Normal NMEA processing.
1: Pass NMEA sentences containing an erroneous checksum unmodified, bypassing all further
NMEA processing.