SUPREME - Navigation System MkII
7000 118-383, B1
Page 46
Navigation Aid
Navigation Aid
view presents fundamental navigation data and aids the user in
navigating towards a waypoint and following a route. It presents information such as the
bearing and range to the next waypoint, the ship’s current course over ground (COG) and
speed over ground (SOG) and current cross-track error (if sailing on a route).
Figure 32
– Navigation Aid
The upper scale shows COG for own ship, indicated with a grey coloured triangle pointing
upwards, as well as bearing to next waypoint relative north which is indicated with a cyan
coloured triangle pointing downwards. The difference between present course and the
“course to head” to exactly navigate towards next waypoint is illustrated by the distance
between the two triangles. To steer towards the waypoint, make the waypoint symbol (cyan
triangle) stand directly above the ship symbol (grey triangle).
If sailing on a route and having reached the first waypoint, the lower scale indicates the
current cross-track error, illustrated by the horizontal yellow coloured line. The vertical black
and yellow indicators are the currently used cross-track error limit. If the cross-track error
exceeds the limit on either side, the “XTE Exceeded” alarm will become active. If the
horizontal yellow coloured line is to the right of the centre line in the lower scale, it means
that the ship is on the right side of the current leg.
To more quickly reduce the cross-track error, steer back towards a point on current leg closer
than the next waypoint. If the cross-track error is to the right of the centre line in the lower
scale, the grey triangle in the upper scale should be to the left of the cyan coloured triangle
to reduce the cross-track error as shown in the figure above.
Navigation Plot
view displays a plot over the active route, indicating the ship’s position, waypoints,
legs and cross-track error limit range for the current leg. It also shows current navigation
information which are further described in section 8.1.6