Figure 2
The Memjet 8.5” printhead cartidge showing the ink inlet, outlet ports, various print-related parts
and the printhead
Figure 3
The Memjet printhead contains 70,400 nozzles in 10 rows (brown stripe in Figure a)
An electron microscope image of a single nozzle (Figure b).
The small size of the nozzles
results in very small (1-2 picolitre
) paint drops,
14 micron drop diameter on paper, effectively achieving the highest print resolution the
human eye can see.
Printing with this type of precision requires many technical details to be solved
including printhead cooling, using special fast drying inks, feeding paper accurately,
controlling the operation of the unit, etc. A unique property of Memjet printing is
the special print processor that uses a custom hardware print pipeline processing engine
to render images at a very high speed. The level of technical standards are reflected by
the fact that Silverbrooks Research hold 2500 patents related to Memjet Technology
along with another 2000 pending.