The Web Browser
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Publication S703E V1.1
Issue 06/09
5.5.4 System
The System Diagnostics screen shows an overview of the status of the fitted module and also
provides access to further information.
Master Station Diagnostics
Module Health
: A green light shows if the module is operating correctly or a red light if
there is a fault.
: Indicates when Ethernet control using Modbus/TCP is present on either
Ethernet port.
Host port 1
: Indicates when there is active serial communication on comms port 1.
Host port 2
: Indicates when there is active serial communication on comms port 2.
Controls - Available to all user levels
MS datalogger
: Reveals a pop-up showing a log of the activity on the master station and
the source of requests or commands received.
Host analyser
: Reveals a pop-up with the data logger data and the additional controls
required for using the inbuilt data analyser for commands and data to the
host system.
Option 1 Diagnostics
Pakscan 2 Loop
: Shows module type and status.
Option Health
: Shows green light when healthy and red light if there is a fault on the
Controls - Available to all user levels
: Reveals the diagnostic page for the option card fitted.
Event Log
: Shows the option module event recorder.
Fig 23: System Diagnostics Page
Master Station CPU
Option Card 1
This screen is accessible to Read, Write and Administration user levels.