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Publication S703E V1.1
Issue 06/09
This is customer information regarding installation, user safety, environmental and electromagnetic
This information is provided to assist with conformance to the Health and Safety Act 1974 and various
directives of the European Community.
Care should be taken to avoid dropping heavy items - for example during installation or maintenance.
Protective footwear should be worn when appropriate. Rotork products are not intended to carry the
stresses involved in support of items supplied by others unless this has been specifically agreed to by
the company.
Care should be taken to avoid contact with sharp edges or points, particularly if the product is partially
Products should be installed in accordance with BS6739.
Electrical supplies and earthing should be in accordance with BS7671
Care should be taken to ensure that voltages or currents in excess of those specified, or of reversed
polarity, are not applied to the terminals of any products. If such excess is applied, the product should
be returned to Rotork or otherwise checked by a competent person before re-use, even if no damage
is immediately evident. Use only the specified fuse type and rating as replacements.
Products should not be operated with safety protective covers removed, or with safety interlocks over-
ridden. Some products are designed to allow access by skilled persons whilst power is applied. The
user must control such skill level and access and it should be remembered that electromagnetic
compatibility may be compromised.
Galvanically isolated input or output signal circuits are provided by certain products. A competent
person must decide upon any earthing arrangements for such circuits and users should regard them
as carrying a dangerous voltage, unless they are earthed locally.
Batteries must not be short circuited, or disposed of by burning. They must not be opened, punctured
or crushed. Large batteries should only be used in well ventilated places. Their cases are generally
ABS plastic resin and as such should be cleaned only with a damp cloth and not exposed to organic
Electromagnetic Compatibility
To ensure conformance to the EC Directive 89/336/EEC, installation should adopt the following cable