The Web Browser
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Publication S703E V1.1
Issue 06/09
Host Port Configuration
The host port configuration page allows the settings for the serial and Ethernet ports to be made. The
two serial ports (ports 1 and 2) are independent from one another, whilst the Ethernet ports (ports 3
and 4) are linked together.
Host Port 1
Baud Rate
: This drop-down box allows the communication speed (baud rate) for the
serial port to be selected. The choices are 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200,
9600, 4800 or 2400 baud.
: This box sets the message parity used by this port. The choices are None,
Always 0, Odd or Even parity.
Physical Interface : Either RS232 or RS485 showing the switch setting for the physical
interface from the CPU module (read only).
Host Port 2
Baud Rate
: This drop-down box allows the communication speed (baud rate) for the
serial port to be selected. The choices are 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200,
9600, 4800 or 2400 baud.
: This box sets the message parity used by this port. The choices are None,
Always 0, Odd or Even parity.
Physical Interface : Either RS232 or RS485 showing the switch setting for the physical
interface from the CPU module (read only).
Drop Down boxes
This screen is only accessible to Administration user levels.
Fig 54: Host Port Configuration