P3F - Pakscan Master Station Technical Manual
62 of 82
Publication S703E V1.1
Issue 06/09
Ethernet Port
IP Authentication : The two IP addresses that can be set here relate to system access
permission. When controlling the system via Ethernet and Modbus TCP, it
is possible to increase the system security and only permit access from
specified IP locations. If both the values set here are then any IP
address can access the system. When a specific IP address is entered in
either IP Number 1 or IP Number 2, the system only allows access for
messages originating from those addresses. Note that all access, including
Read only access, is restricted by the entries.
Save Settings
: Saves the settings for the ports. Until they are saved, any alterations to the
settings will not take effect.
Modbus Message : Brings up the Modbus test screen, where specific messages can be sent to
the system over the internet.
The Modbus Message screen allows a specific query to be sent to the system and the response to be
Modbus Message Query
: The CPU Master Station Modbus address (in the range 0 -247).
Function Code
: Modbus function code to read or write register, discrete or coil.
: Modbus data relating to the query message.
There is no need to include the CRC in the data field as the system
generates that automatically. There should be no spaces in the data field.
Send Query
:Transmits the message to the master station.
Fig 55: Modbus Message Generator