The Web Browser
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Publication S703E V1.1
Issue 06/09
Event Log - Available to all user levels
Pop-up screen showing a log of the last occasion on which the various alarms, input and output
events occurred. For commands the source of the command is also given.
Comms Failed
- loss of communication with the field unit.
- power on reset.
Digital Input 1-8
- when turned on and off.
Analogue I/P 1 -2
- when last updated.
Digital Output 1-4
- when energised and de-energised.
Analogue Output
- when last altered and by which source.
: Prints the datalogger to a printer attached to the PC.
: Saves the datalogger data to a file on the PC.
FCU Controls - Available to Write and Administration user levels only
Energise Relay 1-4
: commands to energise the relays (green light when energised).
De-energise Relay 1-4
: command to de-energise the relays (red light when de-energised).
Pos DV
: a slider control that is used to generate a setpoint position for the
valve in the range 0 - 100%.
All the controls have a confirmation pop-up so that the action has to be confirmed before it takes
Close pop-up
Fig 45: GP FCU Event Log