P3F - Pakscan Master Station Technical Manual
34 of 82
Publication S703E V1.1
Issue 06/09
During configuration the following sequence can be displayed -
1. Wait for Loopbacks 1 (first wait for loopbacks to come on)
2. Find FCUs on Port A (finding FCUs on port A)
3. Test Loop
(testing for complete loop)
4. Find FCUs on Port B (finding FCUs on port B)
5. Wait for Loopbacks 2 (second wait for loopbacks to come on)
6. Loopbacks off on A
(removing loopbacks from port A)
7. Loopbacks off on B
(removing loopbacks from port B)
(The normal sequence for a fault-free loop would be 1, 2 and 3. A
sequence for a break in the loop anywhere except at port A or port B,
would be 1 to 7. Some of the phases may be very quick, particularly at
higher baud rates, and so may not be seen on the browser display.
Whilst the configuration is taking place, the master station web page shows
a blue light and ‘Loopback in Progress’ on the Option module.
If the configuration process detects a fault on the loop and switches on the
loopback circuits of two field units, the master station web page shows
‘Loopback in Use’ and illuminates the yellow light.
Last Network
: The loop can be reconfigured for a number of reasons and this field will
Reset Initialised
show the cause of the last reset/reconfigure that occurred.
The possible reasons are:
Power on Reset
- loop configured because the master station
powered up.
Fault Found
- fault detected on the loop whilst it was running
without loopbacks present.
Fault Found A
- fault detected on the A side of broken loop whilst
running with loopbacks on.
Fault Found B
- fault detected on the B side of broken loop whilst
running with loopbacks on.
Reset Command - loop Reconfigure command entered from keypad
or serial port.
Return wire fault
- fault detected in the return current path whilst the
loop was running at double speed.
Doubling failed
- fault detected after loop assumed double speed.
Network Fault
: This field shows the type of fault detected that caused the loopback to
occur, or an addressing fault on the field units. The types are:
Zero Address
- a field unit has been found with an address of
Address too High xx - a field unit has been found with an address
higher than that setup within the master station,
xx is the address.
Same Address xx - two field units found with the same address, xx is
the address
Loop Open Circuit - an open-circuit fault found on the loop.
Loop Short Circuit - a short-circuit fault found on the loop.
If two field units are found with the same address, or there is an address
outside the range of addresses expected (as set by No. of Devices on