17 January, 2003
Mode No.
(Class 1, 2, and 3)
Function / [ Setting ]
25 Software Switch
Sets the reference for the network
software.[ 00000000 to FFFFFFFFh / 00000000h /
1 hex unit/step ]
26 OperationMode:TCP/IP
Sets the TCP/IP operation mode for the
network.[ 00000000 to FFFFFFFFh / 00000000h /
1 hex unit/step ]
27 SyslogServer Address
Sets the syslog server address for the
network.[ 00000000 to FFFFFFFFh / 7F000001h /
1 hex unit/step ]
28 Timer Server Address
Sets the timer server address for the
network.[ 00000000 to FFFFFFFFh / 00000000h /
1 hex unit/step ]
29 DNS Server Address
Sets the DNS server address for the
network.[ 00000000 to FFFFFFFFh / 00000000h /
1 hex unit/step ]
30 Directprint Port No
Sets the directprint port number for the
network.[ 1024 to 65535 / 9100 / 1/step ]
31 IPP Timeout
Sets the IPP timeout for the network.[ 30 to 65535
/ 900 / 1/step ]
32 IPX Address: NW
Sets the IPX Address.
33 Remote Printer No:NW
Sets the remote printer number for the network.[ 0
to 254 / 0 / 1/step ]
34 Software Switch: NW
Sets the software switch for the network.[ 0000 to
FFFFh / 0003h / 1 hex unit/step ]
35 Trans.Protocol PS NW
Sets the print server transport protocol for the
network.0001h: TCP & IPX0100h: TCP& IPX
(Priority: IPX)0102h: TCP Only (Priority:
TCP)0001h: IPX Only
36 AppleTalk Module
Sets the AppleTalk module for the network.2:
EtherTalk Phase2
37 Net No: AT
Sets the NetNo of the AppleTalk network.
38 Object Name: AT
Sets the object name of the AppleTalk Network.
39 Apple Talk Type
Sets the AppleTalk type for the network.
40 Working Zone: AT
Sets the AppleTalk working zone for the network.
47 Job Analysis Timeout
Sets the Centronics job analysis timeout for the
[ 0 to 4200 / 3 / 1 sec/step ]
48 Job Timeout
Sets the Centronics job timeout for the network.
[ 0 to 4200 / 0 / 1 sec/step ]
49 Noise Cancel
Sets the noise cancel level for the network.
[ 4 to 7 / 4 / 1 clock/step ]
50 1284 Compatibility
Switches Centronics IEEE1284 compatibility on/off
for the network.
[ 0 or 1 / 1 / - ]
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
Selecting “0” disables bi-directional data
51 Data Transfer
Sets the Centronics transfer speed for the
[ 0 or 1 / 1 / - ]
0: Slow, 1: Fast
If you select “0” there will be a 120
s delay from
the STP signal to the data transfer. (With 1: Fast
there is no delay.)