7.2.6. PWM / 0-10V max. (default setting is “7%”)
Setting the head of the heating circuit pump. The lower the PWM value, the higher the head
– see the values in the table.
Head [m]
PWM maximum [%]
7.2.7. Show signal
Represents the set pump signal in a graphic and text overview.
7.3. Speed control V1 (not available)
7.4. Pump settings V2 (boiler circulation pump)
The default settings are identical with Pump settings V1 (menu 7.2).
Do not change this setting, it is intended for the pump integrated in BIO MIX pump station.
It is not recommended to limit the head of the pump, as this could cause boiler overheating.
The controller controls the pump automatically at optimum speed.
7.5. Speed control V2 (boiler circulation pump)
Do not change this setting, it is intended for the pump integrated in BIO MIX pump station.
It is not recommended to limit the speed of the pump, as this could cause boiler overheating.
The controller controls the pump automatically at optimum speed.
7.5.1. Variants of speed control (default setting is “M1”)
There is no speed control.
Speed control set to ΔT, starts from the max. speed:
After the purging time the controller keeps the pump at the set max. speed. If the temperature
difference ΔT between the reference sensors is smaller than the set value (in the settings for
a solid fuel boiler or solar thermal system), then the speed is decreased by one step after the
Sweep time expires. If the temperature difference between the reference sensors is greater
than the set value, then the speed is increased by one step after the Sweep time expires.
If the controller has adjusted the speed of the pump down to the smallest stage and the ΔT
between the reference sensors is below the desired ΔT off, the pump is switched off.
Speed control set to ΔT, starts from the min. speed:
After the purging time the controller switches to the set min. speed. If the temperature
difference ΔT between the reference sensors is greater than the set value (in the settings for
a solid fuel boiler or solar thermal system), then the speed is increased by one step after the
Sweep time expires. If the temperature difference ΔT between the reference sensors is below
the set value, then the speed is decreased by one step after the Sweep time expires. If the
controller has adjusted the speed of the pump down to the smallest stage and the ΔT between
the reference sensors is below the desired TΔ off, the pump is switched off.
Speed control set to a constant heat source temperature, starts from the min. speed.
After the purging time the controller switches to the set min. speed. If the temperature at
the heat source reference sensor is higher than the Setpoint, then the speed is increased. If
the temperature at the source reference sensor is less than the Setpoint, then the speed is
7.5.2. Purging time (default setting is “8s”)
During this time the pump runs at its full speed (100 %) to ensure reliable starting. Only after
this purging time does the pump run with speed control and switches to the max. or min.
speed, depending on the variant set (M1-M3).
7.5.3. Sweep time (default setting is “4min”)
In the process of speed control a certain delay before any speed change is needed in order
to avoid quick speed changes and subsequent large temperature oscillations.