5.1.10. Maximum flow (Tmax)
The maximum flow temperature. When exceeded, the heating circuit pump will be switched
off and not started again until the temperature falls below this value.
Limiting the max. flow temperature does not replace a high limit thermostat
that shall be connected to the pump power cable in systems that require safe
limiting the max. flow temperature (e.g. underfloor heating, pipes or devices
of lower temperature resistance etc.).
5.1.11. Switch on hysteresis for aux. heat source (Reference/actual -)
If the flow temperature or thermal store temperature drops below the desired flow temperature
by the given value, the request for an auxiliary heat source will be activated after 1 minute.
Heat request for an aux. heat source is started when the flow temperature is
continuously below reference temperature for 1 minute.
The request only works if a heat source is activated in the respective menu,
not blocked and set for the heating circuit request (HC request).
5.1.12. Switch-off hysteresis for aux. heat source (Reference/)
If the flow temperature or thermal store temperature exceeds the desired flow temperature by
the given value, the request for an auxiliary heat source will be de-activated after 1 minute.
5.1.13. Switching off heating circuit pump (Version)
FL = the circulation pump is shut down if the reference temperature is exceeded.
S/W = in the winter mode it is shut down at Tmax, in the summer mode the heating circuit
pump is shut down in general.
5.1.14. Heating circuit off
Summer = the heating circuit will be shut off when the summer mode conditions are reached
(threshold temperature exceeded, see 5.1.2. and 5.1.3.)
room = the heating circuit will be shut off when the summer mode conditions are
exceeded or the desired room temperature reached
5.1.15. Room hysteresis
Available only when the function HC off = room is activated (in menu 5.1.14.).
Hysteresis for switching on the heating circuit again. If the room temperature drops below the
desired value by the set hysteresis, the heating circuit will be switched on again.
5.1.16. Thermal store sensor (Buffer sensor)
Choosing a thermal store (buffer) sensor for a proper operation of the heating circuit. Or it
may be a boiler flow sensor in systems with a boiler and no thermal store.
This selection is required for a proper functioning of heat sources. The source shall
be activated with HC request enabled (the heat source is started when there is a
heat request for a heating circuit).