5.11.2. Min. temperature of solid fuel boiler (Solid fuel boiler Tmin)
Min. temperature at the boiler sensor (5.11.5.) to switch the boiler pump on. If the temperature
is below this value, the boiler pump remains stopped disregarded of the other conditions.
5.11.3. Max. temperature of solid fuel boiler (Solid fuel boiler Tmax)
Maximum temperature at the boiler sensor (5.11.5.) for the boiler pump to remain permanently
on. If the boiler temperature is above this value, the boiler pump remains on even if the
temperature difference is not met. When the max. storage temperature (5.11.1.) is reached,
the pump is switched off again.
5.11.4. Temperature difference to switch the boiler on/off (Δ T Solid fuel boiler)
Switching temperature difference between the boiler sensor 5.11.5. and storage sensor
5.11.6. – to switch on (Δ T SF on) and off (Δ T SF off) the boiler pump.
5.11.5. Boiler sensor
Boiler temperature sensor – a higher temperature is expected than at the storage sensor.
5.11.6. Storage sensor
Storage temperature sensor (e.g. a thermal store) – a lower temperature is expected than at
the boiler sensor.
5.12. Solar
The menu is available only if the Solar function is assigned to an output in
menu 7. Special functions.
Switching on the solar pump when the difference between the solar collector sensor and solar
tank sensor (typically a thermal store or a hot water storage tank) is exceeded.
5.12.1. Minimum temperature at solar collector (Tmin St.)
Minimum temperature at the solar collector sensor (5.12.6.) to switch on the solar pump. If the
temperature at the solar collector sensor is below this temperature, the solar pump remains
stopped disregarded of the other conditions.
5.12.2. Temperature difference for switching solar on/off (Δ T Solar)
Temperature difference between a solar collector sensor 5.12.6. and a storage tank sensor
5.12.7. for switching on (Δ T Solar on) and off (Δ T Solar off) the solar pump.
5.12.3. Maximum temperature at storage tank (Tmax)
Maximum temperature at the solar tank sensor (5.12.7.) to start the solar pump. If the solar
tank temperature is above this value, the solar pump remains stopped disregarded of the
other conditions.
5.12.4. Starting aid
This function is not used for Regulus solar collectors.
For some solar thermal systems, in particular for evacuated tube collectors, the measurement
recording on the collector sensors may be too slow or imprecise, because the sensor is often
not on the warmest spot.
With an activated starting aid, the following procedure occurs:
If the temperature on the collector sensor increases within a minute by the value defined
under “
”, the solar circulation pump will be turned on for the set “
Purging time
This function should only be activated by a technician if problems occur with
the measurement recording. Observe in particular the instructions from the
collector manufacturer.
5.12.5. Protective Functions
Protective functions for solar thermal system. The description of other protective functions
can be found in Chap. 6. Protective Functions.