7. Special Functions
In Menu 7. Special Functions the basic controller
settings and expanded functions are set.
The menu is closed by pressing “esc” or selecting
“Exit Special Functions”.
The settings in this menu should only be
changed by a specialist.
7.1. Program selection
Here the appropriate hydraulic variant is selected (see D.2. Hydraulic Variant). The respective
diagram is displayed by pressing “info”.
The program selection normally occurs only once during commissioning by a
specialist. An incorrect program selection may lead to unpredictable errors.
When the hydraulic variant is changed, other settings will be reset to default values.
7.2. Pump settings V1 (heating circuit circulation pump)
Do not change this setting, it is intended for the pump integrated in BIO MIX pump station.
If necessary, only the max. head of the pump may be adjusted (7.2.6.).
7.2.1. Signal type (default is “PWM”)
The type of pump speed control is set here:
permits to change the speed of a high efficiency pump controlled by a 0-10V signal
permits to change the speed of a high efficiency pump controlled by a PWM signal
7.2.2. Pump (default profile is “Heat”)
A selection from the preset control profiles for the pump. The settings can still be changed
manually after a profile has been selected.
7.2.3. Output Signal (default profile is “inverted”)
This menu determines the type of the outgoing control signal. Solar pumps (normal profile)
perform at their highest power when the signal is also at its maximum. Heating pumps (inverted
profile) on the other hand are set to the highest power when the control signal is at the lowest.
7.2.4. PWM / 0-10V off (default setting is “98%”)
The control signal value for the pump to be turned off (required by pumps with cable break
detection, their control signal value must not be zero).
7.2.5. PWM / 0-10V on (default setting is “87%”)
The control signal value for the pump to start and run at a minimum speed.