Wiring diagram
Wiring diagram of ETT L heating element without blocking
by Ripple control:
TIP 1:
The heating element can be used also for DHW heating in combination thermal stores
(variants 1A and 1B), supposed the terminal S1 is not occupied by an optional room temperature
sensor (Caleon room unit can be used).
Place the temperature sensor (code 9109 – to be ordered separately) into the sheath for a DHW
sensor and connect it to S1 terminals of the controller. In menu 5.3.8. assign a DHW sensor to
S1, in menu 5.8.1. activate DHW thermostat, in menu 5.3.7. set blocking space heating during
DHW heating, and set the desired DHW temperature (5.3.3., 5.3.4.) or a time program in menu
3.5. and 3.6.
TIP 2:
If the output of 1 heating element is not sufficient for space heating, it is possible to install
two elements and connect the control of both to the terminal R3. Switching of the second heating
element can be delayed by means of a time relay.
heating element terminal board
controller terminal board
located on the top cover of the printed circuit board