Boiler settings
5.11.1. Max. temperature of hot water storage tank (Storage tank Tmax))
Max. temperature at the storage tank sensor (5.11.6.). Above this value, the boiler pump
remains always off.
5.11.2. Min. boiler temperature (Tmin SF)
Min. temperature at the boiler sensor (5.11.5.) to switch the boiler pump on. If the temperature
is below this value, the boiler pump is always off.
5.11.3. Max. boiler temperature (Tmax SF)
Max. temperature at the boiler sensor (5.11.5.) for the boiler pump to run permanently. Above
this value, the boiler pump remains on until the max. temperature in the hot water storage
tank is reached.
5.11.4. Temperature difference to switch the boiler on/off (Δ T Solid fuel boiler)
Temperature difference between the (combination) thermals store and boiler flow temperature.
Settings for switching the boiler pump on (Δ T SF on) and off (Δ T SF off).
5.11.5. Boiler sensor
Temperature sensor placed at the boiler outlet.
5.11.6. Storage sensor
Temperature sensor of a (combination) thermal store.
DHW heating
Anti-scald valve
The boiler heats water in the combination thermal store to a very high temperature. As a
protection against scalding (and to reduce heat loss in DHW piping) an anti-scald valve shall
be always installed at the hot water outlet (variant 1, options A, B). The valve limits the max.
DHW temperature to the value set by the knob directly on the valve.
It is recommended to always install an anti-scald valve also at the outlet from the HW storage
tank (variant 2) despite the fact that the desired DHW temperature is set in the menu. Many
users set a high temperature in the HW storage tank in order to increase the hot water
capacity in the storage tank despite interrupted heating.
El. heating element for DHW afterheating
An electric heating element plugged in an el. socket can be used to heat DHW in the periods
when the boiler is out. The desired temperature is set by a knob directly on the heating
Under certain conditions, the installed heating element for space heating can be used to heat
also DHW. For more info see the TIP1 in the Chapter D4. ELECTRIC HEATING ELEMENT
System configuration (variants 1)
In systems with a combination thermal store (variant 1, options A, B) DHW is heated
automatically after the boiler starts up, no adjustments in the controller are needed.
System configuration (variants 2)
In systems with a separate hot water storage tank (variant 2) DHW is heated by heat transferred
from the thermal store. When the temperature difference (5.6.1.) between the thermal store
temperature and the HW storage tank temperature is reached, the controller will start the
heat transfer pump. The heat transfer pump will stop as soon as the max. temperature of HW
storage tank (5.6.2.) is reached. If the min. temperature of the thermal store (5.6.3.) is not
reached at its sensor, the heat transfer pump will not start.
5.6.1. Temperature difference for switching the pump on/off
5.6.2. Max. temperature of the hot water storage tank
5.6.3. Min. temperature of the thermal store