6. Protective Functions
In Menu 6. Protections the system protective functions are set
and activated.
The menu is closed by pressing “esc” or selecting “Exit
By no means does the controller replace the safety
appliances on site!
6.1. Seizing Protection
If the anti-seizing protection is activated, the controller switches gradually all outputs at 12:00
noon for 5 seconds to prevent seizing of the pump/valve after long periods of inactivity.
6.2. Frost Protection
If the outdoor temperature at the respective sensor drops below 1 °C and the heating circuit
is turned off, the frost protection will turn on the heating circuit and set the reference flow
temperature at the minimum flow temperature (see 5.1.9.). As soon as the outdoor temperature
exceeds 1 °C, the heat circuit is switched off again.
Switching the frost protection function off or setting the minimum flow temperature
too low can lead to severe damage to the system.
6.3. Protection against cold water circulation through heating circuit
If the discharge protection is active and the temperature at the thermal store sensor or heating
water temperature drops below the min. temperature of the heating circuit (6.3.2.) decreased
by 5 °C hysteresis, the mixing valve of the heating circuit will close and the circulation pump
will stop. This will prevent insufficiently warm water from useless circulating in the heating
The heating circuit pump will start again when the thermal store temperature exceeds the
temperature set in 6.3.2.