Tracking Mode
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
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Selects the dynamics profile type.
Generates a constant velocity profile with configurable velocity, see
This mode is suitable for testing the receiver characteristics under
more realistic conditions than with zero Doppler.
"High Order"
Enables profiles with higher-order dynamics.
There are two predefined profiles and you can define your own one,
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Inital Pseudorange
Sets the pseudorange at the beginning of the simulation.
Remote command:
Inital Carrier Phase
Sets the carrier phase at the beginning of the simulation.
Remote command:
Velocity (Pseudorange Rate)
In "Mode = Constant", sets the velocity, i.e. the constant Doppler with that the pseudor-
ange changes. The pseudorange at a give moment is calculated from the initial pseu-
dorange value and the velocity.
Velocity different than zero results in variation of the Doppler shift.
The velocity is constant, hence the acceleration and the jerk are zero. Observe also
the indications on the plots.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
High-order profile settings
In "Mode = High Order", observe the plots indicating the variations of the velocity,
acceleration and the jerk over time, see
Signal Dynamics Settings