Real-World Environment
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
3. Select
"Antenna Configuration"
4. Select "Display > Body Mask".
The default configuration uses favorable conditions: isotropic antennas in open sky
5. For tests in more challenging environment, perform the following for each antenna:
a) Select "A# > Body Mask > Open Sky > Select Antenna Pattern File > Prede-
fined/User Files" and select the body mask description file.
b) Select "A# > Antenna Pattern > Isotropic > Select Antenna Pattern File > Pre-
defined/User Files" and select the antenna pattern file.
c) Confirm with "Select".
The "Select Antenna Pattern File" displays both, a list of available files and the con-
tent of the selected file.
6. To define which antenna is simulated, for example A1:
b) Option: R&S
In "System Config > Mode > GNSS Advanced", select "Stream# > A1".
Switching between the active antenna restarts the simulation.
The display is color coded, where the different power levels are indicated with dif-
ferent colors (see "Legend").
Three files describe an antenna, the body mask
file, the antenna
file and the phase response
file. The latter two files
must have the same filename and must be stored in the same directory. The
file describes the power response matrix of each antenna.
With a selected antenna pattern, the R&S
SMW simulates the satellite power and
carrier phase depending on the antenna pattern and attitude parameters.
Antenna Configuration Settings