Getting Started
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
4. In the block diagram, select "RF > On".
The signal generation starts.
The frequency and level of the generated RF signal are configured automatically.
Further settings are not required.
For description of the related settings, see:
Chapter 5.2, "General Settings"
Chapter 5.3, "Simulation Monitor"
How to configure a hybrid satellite constellation
1. Select "Baseband > Satellite Navigation > GNSS".
2. Select "Simulation Configuration > Systems&Signals"
3. Select the frequency band, e.g. set "L1 > On".
4. Enable the global, regional and augmentation GNSS systems to be simulated, e.g.
"GPS > On", "Galileo > On", "GLONASS > On".
5. Define the signals per GNSS system, e.g. "GPS > C/A > On", "GPS > P > Off".
Trying Out the GNSS Simulator