Tracking Mode
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
11 Tracking Mode
Per default, the R&S
SMW generates a GNSS signal that is suitable for testing the
receiver capabilities to acquire and track the signal and to estimate its position based.
Some receiver tests, however, focus on testing if the receiver is capable to acquire and
decode the signal; navigation and thus position estimation is not necessary. For such
tests or for receivers' sensitivity tests in zero-Doppler conditions or under varying signal
dynamics conditions, the R&S
SMW provides the tracking mode.
With the provided signal dynamic settings, you can enable a predefined or constant
velocity profile, or define a user-specific one.
11.1 Signal Dynamics Settings
1. Select "GNSS > Test Mode" >
2. Select "GNSS > Simulation Configuration > Satellites".
3. Select the GNSS system for that you want to configure satellites constellation, for
example GPS.
4. Select "SV# > SV Config".
5. In the "SV Configuration" dialog, select
"Signal Dynamics"
Signal Dynamics Settings