EPC-7 Hardware Reference
Some error messages might occur during the execution of the BIOS
initialization sequence. If errors occur during the power-on self-test (POST), the
BIOS will display the error on the appropriate line of the screen display and attempt
to continue.
BIOS Setup Screen
The EPC-7's BIOS contains a setup function to display and alter the system
configuration. This information is maintained in the EPC-7's nonvolatile CMOS
RAM and is used by the BIOS to initialize the EPC-7 hardware.
To invoke the setup function in a "booted" system, press the CTRL+ALT+ESC keys
simultaneously. This may be done during system operation in most, but not all cir-
cumstances. Some programs that take control of the keyboard at a low level, such as
Microsoft Windows, cause this key sequence to be interpreted differently, or not at
all. It should always work, however, when the DOS operating system prompt is
shown on the screen. The setup function can be invoked prior to system booting by
pressing CTRL+ALT+ESC immediately after the initial selftest screen is cleared.
The main setup screen will be similar to the following.
RadiSys EPC-7 CMOS Setup, System BIOS V3.05
50MHz 486, 16 MBytes memory
Date (mm/dd/yy) .............. ... 12/02/93
Time (hh:mm:ss) .............. ... 07:34:56
Configuration Errors ......... ... Halt on all errors
Diskette Drive A ............. ... 1.4M 3.5 inch
Fixed Disk Drive C .......... AT
Fixed Disk Drive D .......... None
Bus Priority ................. ... Pri 3
F2 = EXM menu
Bus Release Method ........... ... RONR
F3 = Fixed disk menu
Bus Arbitration .............. ... Priority F10
= Save CMOS and EXM data
COM1: ........................ ... Enabled
= Exit without saving
COM2: ........................ ... Disabled
LPT1: ........................ ... Enabled
Figure 7. Main Setup Screen.
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