EPC-7 Hardware Reference
E P C - 7 i s n o t t h e s l o t - 0 c o n t r o l l e r
E P C - 7 i s s l o t - 0 c o n t r o l l e r
J u m p e r s
E P C - 7 R e a r V i e w
Figure 1. EPC-7 Configuration Jumpers.
There are several readily apparent consequences of incorrectly configuring the
EPC-7 configuration jumpers.
Resource manager reports a system configuration differing widely from the
actual configuration
Power-on selftest reports a VXI failure.
CLK10+ and CLK10- signals are not being driven or are out of spec on the
The system resource manager could not detect the presence of a non-slot-0
Power-on selftest reports NO SYSCLK.
System hangs, typically while running the resource manager.
If any of these conditions occur, check the configuration jumpers on the back of the
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