Accel Time Runlog Information
The Accel Time Runlog page provides acceleration time data, in report format. The Datalink II software
combines GPS MPH data with beginning and ending MPH points inserted by the user, to calculate the
time between two MPH points.
1. Open a Runfile and graph GPS_MPH
2. Accel Times Runlog page
3. Enter the desired speed to start the report and the desired display MPH increments, in the
input area located at the top of the Accel Times Runlog page. For example, if 50 MPH
is inserted as the Enter Speed and 10 is inserted in the Display Time Every area, the report
will start at 50 MPH and display data in 10 MPH increments.
4. Place the cursor in the Main Graph area, then locate the cursor at a starting point in the
acceleration data. Remember to locate the cursor at a point that is below the desire MPH for
the start of the report. For example, if the starting point of the report will be 50 MPH, the
marker placed in the data can not be located above 50 MPH. If the desired starting point for
the report will be 50 mph, locate the cursor at 40 MPH in the Main Graph area.
5. Locate the Add/Edit Segment Lap Markers icon, in the list of vertical icons
found on the left side of the Datalink II software.
6. Left click the icon, which will open the Edit / Add / Remove Section Markers dialog box.
7. Select the Insert New Lap Marker At Cursor Button
8. Left click the Lap Markers channel button, in order to display the inserted lap marker within
the Main Graph area.
8. Move the cursor to the desired ending point of the accel run, and repeat Steps 6 and 7.
9. If multiple acceleration runs were made during the run, continue to place makers at desired
beginning and ending mph points.
10. Remember to only place markers within acceleration points within the graphed data. Do not
place the beginning marker at an acceleration point and a second maker at a slowing down
or deceleration point within the data.