Weather data can be entered utilizing one of two methods. The first method is to manually enter the
weather conditions, either during or after the data is downloaded. The second method requires the use of
the appropriate Altalab weather station. The user simply left clicks the “Get ALTACOM Weather on
COM 1” (or COM 2, dependant upon the port utilized by the weather station) button. If the Altalab
weather station is connected to the user’s computer, weather data will automatically download into the
appropriate areas of this page.
Create GPS Track Map
The Create GPS Map page is utilized to create a GPS based track map. Following the numbered steps, a
GPS track map can be created in a matter of seconds.
Add Map Segments
The Add Map Segment page is used to divide a track map into timing segments for data analysis. The
track map can be broken into segments automatically utilizing lateral acceleration or can be divided
manually by the user. GPS based segment times are based on GPS plotted points, and are therefore as
accurate as trackside segment beacons.