Since we previously had graphed GPS_MPH, GPS_LatG and GPS_GsAccel from Lap 2, that data will
remain graphed. However, no data from Lap 1 will appear in the Main Graph area, until selected. In
order to “activate” Lap 1 for graphing:
Place the mouse cursor over the Lap 1 tab and left click.
Now graph the GPS_MPH, GPS_LatG and GPS_Gs.
In essence, that is all that is required to overlay graphed data. To graph data from multiple laps, simply
continue opening Lapfiles, and graphing data. To graph data from multiple test runs, open the desire
Runfile, open the desired Lapfile and graph the data. The only limit to the number of files that can be
opened and graphed depends on the memory capabilities of the users PC.
Remember, to change the graph color of a particular channel, keep the mouse cursor over the Channel
Button and continue to left click, until a desired color is obtained.
Remove a Data Channel from the Graph Area (Erase)
To remove all
of the graphs currently displayed, double left click on the Clear All Graphs
(white eraser) in the Datalink toolbar.
(Do not erase the currently graphed data, as we will use it in the following sections)
Data Comparison in Report Format (Runlog Pages)
When the Datalink software was created, one of the goals was to provide the ability to compare data in a
report format. Users not familiar with studying data graphs will appreciate data presented in a report
We currently have the same three channels (GPS_MPH, GPS_LatG and GPS_Gs) graphed from Lap 1
and Lap 2 and the LAP ZOOM page in view. By selecting the Min Max Avg Compare Runlog tab,
notice the Minimum, Maximum and Average data now in view.
This information reflects the minimum, maximum and average of the current “active” file. Remember, a
file is made “active” by placing the mouse cursor over that particular file tab and left