Track Mapping Related:
I can not build a trackmap: If you did not pass start finish at least two complete times, there will
not be a complete lap recorded by the G2X, which prevents a map from being created. The
DatalinkII software must have one complete lap, before building a map.
I have more than one map for a track and now my data does not overlay correctly: Insure you do
not have different trackmaps loaded in different Runfiles.
To further explain trackmapping, graphed data is based on one of two items, time or distance. To further
break it down, time is based on two things, time from when the data logger started recording data or
time based on the start finish location. If you do not have a trackmap in a Runfile, all graphical data is
going to be based on when the data logger started logging. For example, if you exceeded 25 mph on pit
road, that is where your 0 time point will start for your first outing. On the next outing, if you exceeded
25 mph when you entered the front straight, that is where your 0 time point will occur for the second
Now, if you attempt to graph Runfile data from both runs, the starting point for each run will be two
totally different points, with hundreds of feet of difference. This makes it impossible to accurately
overlay data. That is why a creating a trackmap is vitally important, following the FIRST run on the
track. Do not wait until after the day is over and you have downloaded all the Runfiles (without
trackmaps). If so, you will then have to manually load the trackmap into each Runfile.
After the same trackmap is in place for each Runfile, data can then be accurately compared as the 0 start
point for every lap will be based on either the time from start finish or the distance from start finish,
according to what mode you are reviewing data.
Track Segmented Related:
I can not segment the track: See above Track Mapping Related information
My segments locations are off: Note that from the factory, the default Start and End lateral G
settings to create segments are 1 to start a corner and .5 to end a corner. These numbers must be
adjusted according to the speed/lateral g capabilities of your vehicle and also according to where
you wish to see corners start and end.
To further explain the segmenting process, if 1 is entered for Corner Start and .5 is entered for Corner
End any time the vehicle exceeds 1 lateral g, a corner start marker will be placed. Any time .5 lateral g
or less is noted, a corner end marker will be placed. If your corners start too early, decrease the lateral g
number for Corner Start or adjust according to where you want each corner to start or end.