Getting Started with the DataLink Software
After you have installed the DataLink software, the next step is to start the DataLink program and to get
familiar with some of the features of the program. To begin, locate the DataLink icon on your desktop
as shown below and click on the icon.
The main DataLink program screen will be displayed indicating the program has been installed properly.
Proceed with the following to become familiar with the DataLink program.
DataLink Online Help
The DataLink software includes extensive context sensitive online help to guide the user through the
operation of the program. The online help can be accessed by several methods. These are as follows:
To get help for any of the menu items simply highlight the menu item by placing the mouse
cursor over the menu item. Next press the F1 key to display the help.
To get help on the currently displayed dialog box press the F1 Key.
To get help on a tool bar item click on the
toolbar button located at the bottom of the
toolbar. The mouse cursor will change to a?
Position the mouse cursor over toolbar icon for
which help is desired and click the left mouse cursor. Help on the icon will be displayed.
To get help on the three sections of the DataLink program screen click on the
button located at the bottom of the toolbar. The mouse cursor will change to a?. Position the
mouse cursor over the section of the DataLink screen for which help is desired and click the
mouse button. The help dialog box will be displayed. The three help dialog boxes
corresponding to the three data link screen are very useful as a quick start into using the
DataLink program.
To get help on a run log page look for the blue icon with a question mark
. Simply click on
the button to display the help for the run log page.
Click on the Help main menu selection and select the Help Topics menu selection. The Help
Topics: DataLink Applications Help will be displayed. Follow the instructions included with the
help box to navigate thru the online help.
Take a few minutes to experiment with the online help. Now, continue on to the next section and open
the G2X_Demo.rpk demo run data file. While reviewing the file, be sure to explore the online help as
described above.