The Gauges page provides a “dash panel” view of graphed data. User Gauges page provides the ability
to select the input of each gauge as defined the user, according to the data under review. The Dash page
is pre-defined and provides RPM / Speed and G force data. As the mouse cursor is moved through the
graph area, the gauge movement corresponds to the data channel associated with the gauge.
Tire Temperature / Pressure Calculator Page
The Tire Temperature & PSI page provides the user a means of logging tire temperatures, following
each run. Upon insertion of all tire temperature data, the page will calculate average per tire, along with
front and rear average, thus eliminating the time consuming manual calculation of data. In addition, this
page provides the user a quick visual to assist in determining chassis setup changes.
The Pressure area provides the means to monitor tire pressure gains, with each run. The user simply
inserts the Cold and Hot pressure readings for each tire, and the system will calculate pressure gains per