The Troubleshooting section was created to provide answers to some of the most common questions that
G2X users may encounter. If you are not able to resolve your questions using the following information,
please call our tech support department at 949-709-5555.
Note: One thing to remember, when using the G2X is to not “out think” this system. What may appear
to be a simple deviation from the instructions can affect the operation of the G2X. The software and
hardware functions are all designed to interact seamlessly. If the instructions are followed as written in
the manual, the logger is mounted in the correct orientation, the antenna is placed where recommended,
power is supplied from at least a 12V source and the compact flash card is used exclusively in the G2X,
the G2X will function properly and create data.
GPS Related
I have no GPS satellites: Insure the serial cable supplied with the G2X is not connected to the
Serial port of the G2X data logger. If so, this action will turn off the GPS board and prevent
satellite acquisition
My GPS data works at idle, but I lose data when I accelerate: This is related to electronic
interference. Check the routing of the GPS antenna cable. More than likely, the cable will be
routed near or attached to the Engine RPM cable. Move the cable away from anything that could
provide interference. We have encountered situations where a digital camera mounted beside of
the antenna has knocked the GPS data offline.
Engine RPM Related
My Engine RPM data is incorrect: If Engine RPM data is correct in terms of rising and falling
with the revving of the engine, but numerically is off by a percentage, the Pulses per Revolution
dash setting is incorrect. For example, your actual Engine RPM is 4000, but the G2X is reading
2000 or 1000 or 8000. Recheck the Pulse per Revolution setting as outlined in the installation
manual. Typically the Pulse per Revolution setting should match the number of cylinders of your
My Engine RPM data is correct at idle, but is way off when I rev the vehicle:
This is due to an
incorrect signal being received by the G2X. If you are obtaining your Engine RPM signal from
an ECU or other output pins located on your vehicle, the signal is incorrect for the G2X.