My PC Can Not Communicate With the G2X via the Serial Cable Related:
USB to Serial Adapter: Insure you have installed the drivers for the USB to serial adapter
according to the instructions provided with the adapter. A quick test is to unplug and plug the
adapter from the USB port. Your PC should provide an audible note or a visual note in the
bottom right corner of the PC, if the adapter has been unplugged/plugged back in.
Check the Com port setting of your PC: The DatalinkII software is defaulted to communicate
through COM 1. If the COM or USB port you are connected to is not COM 1, the PC can not
communicate with the G2X. To verify the Com port setting of your PC:
Minimize the DataLink II program and select the Start button located in the bottom left
area of your computer display.
Select the Control Panel icon located in the small window.
Select System in the small window.
Select the Hardware tab located in the just opened Systems Properties window.
Select the Device Manager button located in the center/right of the Hardware page.
Locate the Ports (COM & LPT) in the currently opened list and double left click.
You will now see Communications Port assigned to either your serial port or to the USB
to serial adapter.
Note the Com Port number, close all windows and return to the DatalinkII program
Select Settings, then Preferences from the Main Menu area.
Not the Logger Com Port window. Select the Com Port number that matches the Com
Port number noted in the above process and select OK
Downloading Data Related:
I can not download data from the Compact Flash card: Insure the instructions were followed,
concerning the installation of the reader
Can I take a data file straight from the Compact Flash card into the DatalinkII software: No. A
.ddf format file must be downloaded into the DatalinkII software using the New Upload green
colored icon.
I want to download using the serial cable: The G2X is designed to download using the Compact
Flash card.