Session Dialog Window
At this time, we will explain the purpose of the Session dialog window. When data is downloaded to the
users PC, a data path must be created. This provides a folder for the DataLink software to place each
Runfile. At the same time, a number must be assigned to the Runfile before the file can be placed into
the designated folder. The Session page provides the ability to assign both the run number and the
location in which to save the Runfile.
The Year selection creates a folder according to the year entered. The Track selection creates a folder
according to the track name entered. For this reason, it is only necessary to enter the Year one time,
according to the year of testing. It is also only necessary to enter the Track name one time, at each track.
An example data path:
If 2005 was entered for the Year and Infineon for Track, the above set of folders (or directory) would be
created on the user’s C drive. The Runfile number is assigned according to the date, location and run
number. Enter the appropriate information in the Session dialog box and select Next.
Map Select Dialog Window
The Map Select Dialog Window is designed to assist the user in selecting previously created and saved
GPS Track Maps. After extended use of the G2X, it is possible to have quite a large collection of saved
maps. However, the Racepak engineers have created a unique way to provide a limited number of maps,
for selection. Upon download of a new run, the Datalink software reviews the location of the vehicle,
relative to lateral and longitudinal information. Then, only previously saved maps that are located
within a five mile radius of the new upload, will be displayed for selection.