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Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information:
Parameter Function
Select the corresponding dome protocol.
Default setup is console.
Baud Rate Select the baud rate.
Default setup is 115200.
Data Bit
The value ranges from 5 to 8.
Default setup is 8.
Stop bit
There are two options: 1/2.
Default setup is 1.
There are five options: none/odd/even/space/mark.
Default setup is none.
The PTZ interface is shown as in Figure 6-82.
Before setup, please check the following connections are right:
PTZ and decoder connection is right. Decoder address setup is right.
Decoder A (B) line connects with DVR A (B) line.
Click Save button after you complete setup, you can go back to the monitor interface to control
speed dome.
Figure 6-82