Where To Go
From Here
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started
Where To Go From Here
In addition to this chapter, the following documentation contains infor-
mation you may need:
CrownAdmin 3 on-line help—Contains detailed information on
using CrownAdmin 3. Choose Contents from the Help menu in
the main CrownAdmin 3 window (or choose any Help button) to
access the on-line user’s guide.
CrownNet Print Utility on-line help—Contains detailed information
on using CrownNet Print Utility.
QMS CrownNet System Administrator’s Guide
detailed configuration and utility information.
QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide
—Explains how to
use Remote Console to control printing from a workstation any-
where on the network.
Your network documentation—Contains information on printing.
If You Have Trouble
If you have trouble connecting and configuring your Ethernet inter-
face, refer to the“CrownNet Problems” section of chapter 9, of the
guide for troubleshooting tips.
What's Next?
Now that you’ve connected your printer to an Ethernet network, skip
to chapter 6, “Control Panel” to learn about the printer’s control panel
keys, indicators, and message window.