Included in
Connecting to an Ethernet Network
What's Included in CrownNet
CrownNet consists of the items listed below. Your printer came stan-
dard with an Ethernet network interface and these items accompa-
nied your printer.
QMS Software Utilities
CD-ROM with the following software:
CrownAdmin for Macintosh
CrownAdmin 3 and on-line user’s guide for AIX, HP-UX,
Solaris, SunOS, Windows/Windows 95/Windows NT/Win-
dows for Workgroups, Macintosh, and Crown Printer
CrownNet Manager for OS/2
CrownNet Print Utility for Windows
QMS UNIX Host Software
Windows NT Print Monitor
Windows 95 Print Monitor
QMS Software Utilities
CD-ROM with the following PDF manuals
QMS CrownNet System Administrator’s Guide
QMS CrownNet Setup Guide
QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide
Alternate Media
QMS provides these software utilities and manuals on other media as
well as on CD-ROM. Contact your QMS vendor for media availability
and purchase information. You can also download them via our World
Wide Web Server at http://www.qms.com, our Bulletin Board at (334)
633-3632, our FTP server at ftp.qms.com, or CompuServe at go