Welcome to Proximus
Thank you very much for choosing this Proximus product. Our product meets
the strictest requirements with regard to design and quality.
Forum IPhone 5010/5020/5025/5030/5040
This User Guide will show you how to use your Forum IPhone 5010,
Forum IPhone 5020, Forum IPhone 5025, Forum IPhone 5030 or
Forum IPhone 5040 and answer all your major questions. If you need further
support or information, please consult your system administrator or your
Proximus dealer.
Forum™ 5000 and Forum™ 500
This user guide applies to the Forum™ 5000 and Forum™ 500 product
The Forum™ 500 product family comprises the Forum™ 523/524,
Forum™ 525/526 and Forum™ 550/560 communications systems.
The Forum™ 5000 product family comprises the Forum™ 5500,
Forum™ 5004, Forum™ 5008 and Forum™ 5012 communications
If individual features differ on the systems, a reference is made in this user
We hope you enjoy using your Forum IPhone.