Special Feature Keys
Programming Keys
: Linked functions are executed consecutively after the relevant key is
pressed. This makes it possible to combine complex system telephone
settings on a
feature key. You can programme more functions in a
link than you can on a single feature key. A concrete setting for a function
can be saved in a link (e.g on/off for “call protection”). This means that a
function in a link has an exactly defined switching function in comparison
with the functioning of a single feature key.
Special Feature Keys
Busy Keys
Busy keys are feature keys as well. A busy key shows you the busy state of
another internal subscriber. There are two kinds of busy keys:
Busy Key “Call Number”
: This busy key shows the busy status of a single
internal call number. This can be an internal call number of your own
communications system or a call number of a system which can be
reached via the telecommunications system network.
Busy Key “Device”
: This busy key monitors all trunk keys configured on a
terminal. If one of these trunk keys is busy, the busy key signals that the
terminal is busy.
You can configure up to 50 busy keys per SIP system telephone (includes
telephone and connected expansion modules).
Busy keys are not supported on the Forum IPhone 5010 SIP system tele-
Users cannot prevent authorised users from monitoring their call numbers
via busy keys on their terminals.
For further information on busy keys and PBX networking, please refer to
the online help and in the “Mounting and Commissioning” (Forum 523/
524, Forum 525/526, Forum 550/560, Forum 5004/5008/5012) or
“Commissioning and Maintenance” (Forum 5500) manual.
For information on programming refer to the online help topic “Programming
a Busy Key of a System Telephone / SIP System Telephone”).