General Functions
menu (see page 189). Independent of the system configuration, when the
telephone lock is activated, the functionality range is restricted on the
telephone, incl. possibly restricted dialling rights.
Least Cost Routing (LCR)
Whenever you make an external call, your system automatically uses LCR to
set up a connection to a network provider that has been selected by the
system administrator. If you do not wish to use this preferred connection and
want to select a network provider yourself for each call (i.e. on a call-by-call
basis), then before making the call switch LECR off via the status menu (see
the chapter
Status Menu Before and During a Call
This is only necessary if LCR has been configured for you in the Forum 500 /
Forum 5000 communications system. Consult your system administrator
about this.
Baby call and external call forwarding are not automatically
switched via preferred connections. In this case, if the network
provider you wish to use is not the default provider, you can key
in the appropriate operator’s code digits before entering the call
Forwarding Calls
Types of forwarding
You can forward internal or external calls intended for yourself to another
internal call number or, provided that you have the necessary user group
authorisation, to another external call number. Calls can be forwarded either
immediately, after a specified period of time (delay) or if the line is busy. You
can configure more than one call forwarding mode at the same time
After delay
). You can, for example, configure call
for external calls to one call number, and call
After delay
for internal calls to a different call number. During
configuration, the system administrator defines an interval in seconds for
After delay
call forwarding. You can replace this default with your own
individual value when programming
After delay
call forwarding. If more than
one forwarding mode has been activated,
is given priority.