VersiStart i III
Possible cause/Suggested solution
The mains frequency has gone beyond the specified range.
Check for other equipment in the area that could be affecting the mains supply, particularly variable
speed drives and switch mode power supplies (SMPS).
If the VersiStart i III is connected to a generator set supply, the generator may be too small or could
have a speed regulation problem.
Related parameters: 4G, 4H, 5G, 16F
Check if cooling fans are operating. If mounted in an enclosure, check if ventilation is adequate.
Fans operate during Start, Run and for 10 minutes after the starter exits the Stop state.
Models VS i III 23 to VS i III 53 and VS i III 170 do not have a cooling fan. Models with fans
will operate the cooling fans from a Start until 10 minutes after a Stop.
Related parameters: 16J
High Level
This is a name selected for a programmable input. Refer to Input A trip.
High Pressure
This is a name selected for a programmable input. Refer to Input A trip.
Input A trip
The soft starter's programmable input is set to a trip function and has activated. Resolve the trigger
Related parameters: 4E, 5E, 5F, 6D, 6E, 16E
There has been a sharp rise in motor current, probably caused by a locked rotor condition (shearpin)
while running. This may indicate a jammed load.
Related parameters: 4D, 5D, 16D
Internal fault X
The VersiStart i III has tripped on an internal fault. Contact your local supplier with the fault code (X).
Related parameters: None
L1 phase loss
L2 phase loss
L3 phase loss
During pre-start checks the starter has detected a phase loss as indicated.
In run state, the starter has detected that the current on the affected phase has dropped below 2% of
the programmed motor FLC for more than 1 second, indicating that either the incoming phase or
connection to the motor has been lost.
Check the supply and the input and output connections at the starter and at the motor end.
Related parameters: None
L1-T1 shorted
L2-T2 shorted
L3-T3 shorted
During pre-start checks the starter has detected a shorted SCR or a short within the bypass contactor
as indicated. If the starter is connected in-line with the motor, consider using PowerThrough to allow
operation until the starter can be repaired.
PowerThrough is only available with in-line installations. If the starter is installed inside
delta, PowerThrough will not operate.
The starter will trip on Lx-Tx Shorted on the first start attempt after control power is applied.
PowerThrough will not operate if control power is cycled between starts.
Related parameters: 15E
Low Control Volts
The VersiStart i III has detected a drop in the internal control voltage.
Check the external control supply (A4, A5, A6) and reset the starter.
If the external control supply is stable:
the 24 V supply on the main control PCB may be faulty; or
the bypass driver PCB may be faulty (internally bypassed models only). Contact your local supplier
for advice.
This protection is not active in Ready state.
Related parameters: 16M
Low Level
This is a name selected for a programmable input. Refer to Input A trip.
Low Pressure
This is a name selected for a programmable input. Refer to Input A trip.
Motor overload
Motor 2 overload
The motor has reached its maximum thermal capacity. Overload can be caused by:
The soft starter protection settings not matching the motor thermal capacity
Excessive starts per hour or start duration
Excessive current
Damage to the motor windings
Resolve the cause of the overload and allow the motor to cool.
Related parameters: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 16A