Installing Additional Extension Boards
1. Remove the screws from the rear panel(s) of the WJ-
SX850 Matrix Switcher Card Cage.
2. Remove the rear panel(s).
3. Remove the front panel of the cage by removing the
two screws on the panel shown below when installing
the boards into the WJ-SX850 Card cage.
4. Place the Boards into the specified positions in the
front or rear of the Cage by sliding them along the
board guides as shown below.
5. Make sure to push in the Boards until they are seated
6. Secure the rear board by tightening the two screws on
the board.
Tighten screws
Tighten screws
Tighten screws
7. Close open spaces on the rear of the Cage with the
supplied rear panel(s).
8. Close the front of the cage by fixing the front panel.