DBS 576/HD issued September 2001
Chapter 9. Exporting Report Data
PANASONIC has verified the export function from the reports to Microsoft
Excel 97. Due to the large number of different export formats that Seagate
Crystal Reports and Microsoft Access support, PANASONIC has not
attempted to verify all export format types. To verify export capabilities to a
specific program, please contact either Seagate Software or Microsoft
Seagate Crystal Reports
When you export a report to a different file format other than Seagate
Crystal Reports format, you may lose some, or all of the formatting that
appears in your report. The Seagate Crystal Report program attempts to
preserve as much formatting as the export format allows.
In a number of tests exporting report data to different formats, the data
typically exported correctly, but the headings came out scrambled. For
example, when exporting to MS Word the headings tend to be scrambled
while the body of the data is intact.
The majority of PANASONIC customers express a desire to export to MS
Excel, so the report templates are set up to export specifically to MS Excel
97. If you need to export to both MS Word and MS Excel, the Seagate
Crystal Report templates can be copied, renamed, and modified as needed,
and then saved.
The report templates are written in Seagate Crystal Reports version 6.0. The
export feature is a function of Seagate Crystal Reports. If you wish to
modify the report templates so that the data and headings export to a specific
application you will need to purchase a copy of Seagate Crystal Reports.