DBS 576/HD issued September 2001
Chapter 3. Installation
Section 525 - ACD/MIS Reference
b. License Agreement dialog – Please read and acknowledge the license
c. Choose Destination Location dialog – the default location for the
MIS Server
d. Application is in the SMD \ Mserver folder.
5. For the first few seconds while Microsoft’s DAO installer software is
running there will be no progress reports. Once the DAO installation is
complete (about 30 seconds) the MIS Server installation will continue
and provide progress reports as files are loaded and updated.
6. MIS Configuration dialog:
: the default MIS COM port settings are MIS Baud = 9600 bps,
MIS Parity = None, and MIS Word Length = 8 bits. Do not change the
default settings.
a. Enter Serial Communications Port connected to the Phone System.
b. Verify that the remaining settings are correct (see Note).
7. At the end of the installation process you will be prompted to restart the
PC. While restarting the PC is necessary, can install the MIS Server
application before rebooting.
Step 2: Installing the MIS Server Software
On the Windows NT Host PC,
1. Log-in to the Host PC using an
account (name and
2. Insert the ACD Viewer CD-ROM in the Host PC. The Panasonic
ACD Viewer / Report Manager window opens.
3. Click
MIS Server.
4. Install shield will display a series of dialog boxes.
a. Welcome Dialog – Urges you to exit any open programs
b. License Agreement dialog – Please read and acknowledge the license
c. Choose Destination Location dialog – the default location for the
MIS Server
d. Application is in the SMD \ Mserver folder.
5. MIS Configuration dialog:
: the default MIS COM port settings are MIS Baud = 9600 bps,
MIS Parity = None, and MIS Word Length = 8 bits. Do not change the
default settings.
a. Enter Serial Communications Port connected to the Phone System.
b. Verify that the remaining settings are correct (see Note).